Monday, August 10, 2015


In order to realign the Roman calendar with sun, Julius Caesar added 90 extra days to the year 46BC, this  was the time Julian calendar was introduced.

*New Year has not always been celebrated on Jan1st

* Early Roman Calendar consisted of 10 months & 304 days only

* New Year began at the vernal equinox, which usually starts by March it was created by  Romulus, founder of Rome in the 8th century BC

*King Numa Pompilius added months Januaries and Februaries

After adding months the calendar fell out of sync with the SUN and in the 46BC Julius Caesar consulted a prominent astronomer and mathematician of his time and he introduced the JULIAN CALENDAR

Julain calendar closely resembles the more modern GREGORIAN CALENDAR  

The Gregorian calendar is today's internationally accepted civil calendar and is also known as the "Western calendar" or "Christian calendar". It was named after the man who first introduced it in February 1582, Pope Gregory XIII.

Jeni & Santo

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