Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The designer of AK-47 ASSAULT


# Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov

# Born on 10th November, 1919 at Kurya, Russia

# He held a degree of Doctor of Technical Services

# The designer of AK - 47 Assault.

# Russian General, Inventor, Military Engineer, Writer and Small Arm Designer.

# Attained fame in designing AK47 and its improvement AKM ( Kalashnikov Automated Rifle )and AK 74 ( Kalashnikov Automated Rifle model 1974 ).

# He was one of the men who emphasized that the rifle is an weapon of Defence and not for Offence.

# He had written 6 books and continued to write poetry all through his life

# After completing 7th grade, he joined a tractor company as a mechanic and developed a passion for weaponry.

# In 1938, he joined Red Army and since he was short, he was made a tank mechanic and later went on to became a tank commander.

# The tank and other weapons which he first invented are kept in American Wartime Museum

.# It is said that his motive was to serve his country and not to make any money with weapon production.

# Died on 23rd December, 2013

Jeni & Santo