Thursday, June 23, 2011


Hi Friends, we have been talking about food and beverages for the past 2 days, hence, we thought today will be a day of certain FACTS.

  • Do you know why Sodium burns in Water? Here comes the answer now for you - Sodium, a metal will burn when put in water, surprising right? but the same metal when placed in kerosene will not burn Why? because  when it is put in water, hydrogen gas is liberated and Sodium Hydroxide is formed, so the metal starts burning - Any doubts?

  • A normal Intellingence Quotient ( IQ) ranges between 85 and 115, but do you know the IQ of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, the German novelist was 185!! any comparison.

  • The Cheetah's dont live in family The  male Cheetah leaves the female immediately after mating, and the cubs are raised by the mother Cheetah alone - Any doubts?

  • Canada has the most coastline in the world. The country has nearly 2,50,000 kms of Coast - six times more than Australia - Wanna go for a drive?

  • How are Perfumes prepared? Fresh flower petals are spread upon thin layers of fat, which absorbs the scent. This is repeated till 1 pound of fat holds the fragrance of 12 pounds of blossoms. Alcohol is mixed with the perfume laden fat from which it absorbs all the fragrance. The spirit is then sent to factory to be blended in many varieties.

  • Anahlops or Double Eyes is an uncommon and wonderful fish from Tropical America. Each of its eyes contains two pupil ( Opening in Iris of the eye ) one over the other. When the fish swims on the surface to take food, the upper pupils of the eyes are outside the water and the lower pupils see underwater.

  • Among the world's major languages, English has the largest Vocabulary - about 8,00,000 words.
We are sure that the above facts are quite interesting, we shall get back to you soon with more mind blowing facts of the world.

Jeni & Santo